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Search results for: “immigration attitudes”

  • transcript

    How the Faithful Voted: Political Alignments & the Religious Divide in Election 2004

    3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Washington, D.C. Speakers: Michael Barone, Senior Writer, U.S. News & World Report; Co-Author, The Almanac of American Politics E.J. Dionne, Jr., Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution; Syndicated Columnist, The Washington Post Andrew Kohut, President, Pew Research Center Moderator: Luis Lugo, Director, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life LUIS LUGO: Good […]

  • transcript

    American Jews and the Current Challenges of Church-State Separation

    10:00am-11:30am Washington, D.C. MR. BOB WEINBERG: Friends, we are about to begin the program while you continue to enjoy this delicious luncheon. And the speakers, I’m sure, will be up to the challenge of competing with the clacking of the knives and forks. I’m Bob Weinberg, the president of the American Association of Jewish Lawyers […]

  • fact sheet

    Generational Differences

    This survey brief explores the differences in demographics, attitudes and experiences of first, second and third generation or higher Latinos. It also looks at “generation one and a half,” those Latinos who arrived in the United States before age 10.

  • fact sheet

    Assimilation and Language

    This survey brief explores the concept of assimilation and the role of language in explaining this process.

  • transcript

    The Veil Controversy: International Perspectives on Religion in Public Life

    3:30-5:30 p.m. Washington, D.C. Speakers: E.J. Dionne, Co-Chair, the Pew Forum, and Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution Raja Elhabti, Director of Research, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights Husain Haqqani, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Justin Vaisse, Affiliated Scholar, Brookings Center on the U.S. and Europe E.J. DIONNE, JR.: It’s great to […]