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Search results for: “evolution”

  • report

    Religion and Science in the United States

    While most embrace science and its benefits, strong religious convictions can affect some Americans’ willingness to accept certain theories and discoveries. A new report examines the history of science and religion, the debates about them and how the two have been both adversaries and allies.

  • report

    Religion and Science in the United States

    While most embrace science and its benefits, strong religious convictions can affect some Americans’ willingness to accept certain theories and discoveries. A new report examines the history of science and religion, the debates about them and how the two have been both adversaries and allies.

  • report

    Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media

    A new survey of scientists and the public finds large majorities holding positive views of science. But scientists are concerned about Americans’ ignorance of scientific findings and large differences exist between the two groups’ views on evolution and global warming. Still, overwhelming percentages in both groups think that government investments in science and technology pay off in the long run.

  • report

    Religion and Science: Conflict or Harmony?

    Two experts — a geneticist and a religion writer and correspondent — discuss why they believe the current perceived conflict between evolution and faith is unnecessary and destructive.

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