Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Search results for: “education”

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    What Americans Pay For – and How

    Nearly three-in-ten adults say the most common way they take care of their regular monthly bills is by an online or electronic payment.

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    A Portrait of Generation Next

    The cohort of young adults who have grown up with personal computers, cell phones and the internet and are now taking their place in a world where the only constant is rapid change.

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    Americans See Less Progress on Their Ladder of Life

    As economists and politicians debate whether there is less mobility in the U.S. now than in the past, a new Pew survey finds that many among the public are seeing less progress in their own lives.

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    Increasingly, Americans Prefer Going to the Movies at Home

    The start of the summer blockbuster movie season has Hollywood hoping for the usual stampede to the theaters, but now more than ever, the place that most Americans would rather watch movies is under their own roof.

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    Eating More; Enjoying Less

    Americans are eating more but enjoying it less. Just 39% of adults say they enjoy eating “a great deal,” down from the 48% who said the same in a Gallup survey in 1989.

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    Who’s Feeling Rushed?

    Overall, about a quarter of all adults in this country say they always feel rushed, while a majority of Americans sometimes feel rushed and about a quarter almost never feel rushed.

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    Are We Happy Yet?

    Some of us are happier than others, and this variance helps to paint a portrait of the kind of people Americans are. It also casts doubt on some of the famous wisdom on the subject.