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Search results for: “democracy”

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    Islam and Democratization in the Middle East

    Los Angeles, California The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Pacific Council on International Policy co-hosted a meeting on “Islam and Democratization in the Middle East” on April 27, 2005, at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles. The roundtable featured one of Egypt’s foremost human rights activists, Saad Eddin […]

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    Secular Europe and Religious America: Implications for Transatlantic Relations

    Pew Research Center Washington, D.C. The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Council on Foreign Relations co-hosted a luncheon roundtable entitled “Secular Europe and Religious America: Implications for Transatlantic Relations” on April 21, 2005 at the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. According to a 2002 Pew Global Attitudes survey, there are […]

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    Does “Muslim” Turkey Belong in “Christian” Europe?

    9:30am-11am National Press Club Washington, D.C. Speakers: Jonathan Davidson, Senior Advisor for Political and Academic Affairs, European Commission Delegation to the U.S. Corrado Pirzio-Biroli, Head of the Cabinet of former EU Commissioner Franz Fischler Omer Taspinar, Director, Turkey Program, The Brookings Institution Moderator: Luis Lugo, Director, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life LUIS LUGO: […]

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    A Year After Iraq War

    A year after the war in Iraq, discontent with America and its policies has intensified rather than diminished. Opinion of the United States in France and Germany is at least as negative now as at the war’s conclusion, and British views are decidedly more critical. Perceptions of American unilateralism remain widespread in European and Muslim nations, and the war in Iraq has undermined America’s credibility abroad. Doubts about the motives behind the U.S.-led war on terrorism abound, and a growing percentage of Europeans want foreign policy and security arrangements independent from the United States. Across Europe, there is considerable support for the European Union to become as powerful as the United States.

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    God and Foreign Policy: The Religious Divide Between the U.S. and Europe

    10:00-11:30 a.m. Washington, D.C. Featured Speaker: Andrew Kohut, Director, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Respondents: Craig Kennedy, President, German Marshall Fund Justin Vaisse, Visiting Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Center on the U.S. and France, the Brookings Institution Moderator: E.J. Dionne Jr., Co-Chair, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life; […]

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    Ministering to Those in Need: The Rights and Wrongs of Missions and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq

    10 a.m. – Noon Washington, D.C. Speakers Dr. Michael Lawrence, Associate Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church Kate Moynihan, Deputy Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, Catholic Relief Services Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia; Chairman, Board of Directors, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy Bruce Wilkinson, Senior […]

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    Ambassador’s Address His Excellency Martin Palouš, Czech Ambassador to the United States

    4:00 p.m. University of Chicago Divinity School Chicago, Illinois Ambassador Palouš is a political philosopher and was among the first signatories of the Charter 77 document calling on the communist regime in power in Czechoslovakia to respect human rights. In November 1989 he became one of the founders of the Civic Forum, which replaced the […]