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Search results for: “death penalty”

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    The Death Penalty Today: Defend It, Mend It or End It?

    National Press Club Washington, D.C. Since the Supreme Court lifted its moratorium on the death penalty 30 years ago, 38 states and the federal government have reinstated capital punishment. In recent years, there has been a nationwide debate over the proper application, morality and constitutionality of the death penalty. Some argue that there are systemic […]

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    Dr. No? The Debate on Conscience in Health Care

    Washington, D.C. Does requiring pharmacists to dispense medication they find morally objectionable violate their rights to the free exercise of religion? Or, are religious objections secondary to a woman’s right to receive an approved prescription in a timely manner? These questions are sparking legislative debates across the country as pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions […]

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    Abortion and Rights of Terror Suspects Top Court Issues

    Summary of Findings Abortion has dominated the early skirmishing over President Bush’s nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. But the public takes a more expansive view of the court’s agenda. Indeed, about as many Americans rate the rights of detained terrorist suspects as a very important issue for the Supreme Court as say […]

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    Abortion and Rights of Terror Suspects Top Court Issues

    Abortion has dominated the early skirmishing over President Bush’s nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. But the public takes a more expansive view of the court’s agenda. Indeed, about as many Americans rate the rights of detained terrorist suspects as a very important issue for the Supreme Court as say that about abortion. […]

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    Right to Die? Legal, Ethical and Public Policy Implications

    10:00 a.m.-noon National Press Club Washington, D.C. Sponsored by The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, The Federalist Society, and The Constitution Project End of life decisions have been much in the news lately, with the Schiavo case and the late Pope’s medical treatment dominating recent headlines. Interest in this issue is likely to […]

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    Religion and the Death Penalty: A Call for Reckoning

    Erik C. Owens, John D. Carlson, and Eric P. Elshtain, eds. Series: The Eerdmans Religion, Ethics, and Public Life Series “Call for Reckoning” Conference (January 25, 2002) Order the Book This important book is sure to foster informed public discussion about the death penalty by deepening readers’ understanding of how religious beliefs and perspectives shape […]

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    The Body Politic and the Body of Christ: Candidates, Communion and the Catholic Church

    9:00 – 10:30 a.m Washington, D.C. Speakers include: Thomas J. Reese, S.J., Editor-in-Chief, America: The National Catholic Weekly George Weigel, Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center Moderator: Luis Lugo, Director, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life LUIS LUGO: Good morning. I’m Luis Lugo, and I am the director of the Pew Forum […]

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    Governor George Ryan: An Address on the Death Penalty

    5pm University of Chicago Divinity School Chicago, Illinois George H. Ryan is the Governor of Illinois. He was elected the state’s 39th governor on November 3, 1998, continuing a career of public service that included terms as secretary of state (1991-1999) and lieutenant governor (1983-91). Ryan also had an accomplished 10-year legislative career (1973-1983) in […]

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    A Call for Reckoning: Religion and the Death Penalty

    University of Chicago Divinity School Chicago, Illinois At a time of heightened controversy surrounding the death penalty, most discourse relies upon the political, philosophical, and legal dimensions of the practice, and its racial and social implications. Quite often in this debate, religious traditions and theological perspectives are not fully explored beyond an occasional reference to […]