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Search results for: “climate”

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    Fewer Americans See Solid Evidence of Global Warming

    Overview There has been a sharp decline over the past year in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising. And fewer also see global warming as a very serious problem – 35% say that today, down from 44% in April 2008. The latest national survey by the […]

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    Fewer Americans See Solid Evidence of Global Warming

    There has been a sharp decline in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising. Still, there is more support than opposition for cap and trade policy.

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    Confidence in Obama Lifts U.S. Image Around the World

    The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world reflecting global confidence in Barack Obama. In many countries, opinions of the U.S. are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office.

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    The Global Middle Class

    Views on Democracy, Religion, Values, and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Nations

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    Declining Public Support for Global Engagement

    Overview The public is feeling much better about how the war in Iraq is going these days, but at the same time has a sharply diminished appetite for U.S. efforts to deal with an array of global problems. Fewer people than at any point in this decade assign high priority to such foreign policy goals […]

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    Science in America: Religious Belief and Public Attitudes

    The United States is the most religious of the advanced industrial democracies. At the same time, American scientists are recognized to be leaders in many areas of scientific research and application. This combination of widespread religious commitment and leadership in science and technology greatly enlarges the potential for conflict between faith and science in the […]

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    Global Warming: A Divide on Causes and Solutions

    Summary of Findings President Bush’s mention in his State of the Union Message of the “serious challenge of global climate change” was directed at an American public many of whom remain lukewarm about the importance of the issue. The unusual weather affecting the nation this winter may have reinforced the widely held view that the […]