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Search results for: “black lives matter”

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    Religious Leaders’ Views on Radical Life Extension

    No religious group in the United States has released an official statement on radical life extension. However, here are brief summaries of how some clergy, bioethicists and other scholars from 18 major American religious groups say their traditions might approach this evolving issue.

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    Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim

    A substantial and growing number of Americans say that Barack Obama is a Muslim, while the proportion saying he is a Christian has declined. More than a year and a half into his presidency, a plurality of the public says they do not know what religion Obama follows. A new national survey by the Pew […]

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    Blacks Upbeat about Black Progress, Prospects

    Summary of Findings A comprehensive new survey of racial attitudes finds that a year after Barack Obama’s election, blacks’ assessments about the state of black progress in America have improved more dramatically than at any time in the last quarter century. The poll finds an upbeat set of black views on a wide range of […]

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    Blacks Upbeat about Black Progress, Prospects

    Assessments about the state of black progress in America have improved more dramatically among blacks during the past two years than at any time in the past quarter century.

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    End-of-Life Decisions: How Americans Cope

    While most Americans approve of laws that say treatment can be stopped if that’s what a terminally ill patient desires, they are split on what they would do personally in that situation.