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Search results for: “african americans”

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    Pope Francis’ Image Positive in Much of World

    Pope Francis, leader of the world’s nearly 1.1 billion Catholics, enjoys broad support across much of the world: a median of 60% across 43 nations have a favorable view of him. Only 11% see the pope unfavorably, and 28% give no rating.

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    Event Transcript: Religion in Latin America

    Latin America is home to more than 425 million Catholics – nearly 40% of the world’s total Catholic population – and the Roman Catholic Church now has a Latin American pope for the first time in its history. Yet identification with Catholicism has declined throughout the region, according to a major new Pew Research Center […]

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    The Global Religious Landscape

    A country-by-country analysis of data from more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population registers finds that 84% of adults and children around the globe are religiously affiliated. The study also finds that the median age of two major groups – Muslims (23 years) and Hindus (26) – is younger than the world’s overall population (28), while Jews have the highest median age (36).

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    The World’s Muslims: Unity and Diversity

    The world’s Muslims are united in their belief in God and the Prophet Muhammad and are bound together by such religious practices as fasting during Ramadan and almsgiving to assist the needy. But they have widely differing views about other aspects of their faith, including how important religion is to their lives, who counts as a Muslim and what practices are acceptable in Islam.

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    Tolerance and Tension: Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa

    As of 1900, both Muslims and Christians were relatively small minorities in the region. Since then, however, the number of Muslims living between the Sahara Desert and the Cape of Good Hope has increased more than 20-fold, rising from an estimated 11 million in 1900 to approximately 234 million in 2010.

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    Nigeria’s Presidential Election: The Christian-Muslim Divide

    by Robert Ruby and Timothy Samuel Shah, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life March 21, 2007 If Nigeria’s presidential election takes place as scheduled on April 21, it will mark the first transfer of power from one elected civilian president to another in the country considered the key to stability for all of West […]

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    Anglicanism and Global Affairs: The Windsor Report and Beyond

    Noon – 2 p.m. Westminster, London, England Speakers: The Rt. Rev. Dr. Josiah Idowu-Fearon, Archbishop, Anglican Church of Nigeria The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold, Presiding Bishop, Episcopal Church USA Dr. David Martin, Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics (Emeritus) Moderator: Dr. Timothy Samuel Shah, Senior Fellow in Religion & International Affairs, The Pew […]

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    God and Foreign Policy: The Religious Divide Between the U.S. and Europe

    10:00-11:30 a.m. Washington, D.C. Featured Speaker: Andrew Kohut, Director, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Respondents: Craig Kennedy, President, German Marshall Fund Justin Vaisse, Visiting Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Center on the U.S. and France, the Brookings Institution Moderator: E.J. Dionne Jr., Co-Chair, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life; […]

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    Ministering to Those in Need: The Rights and Wrongs of Missions and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq

    10 a.m. – Noon Washington, D.C. Speakers Dr. Michael Lawrence, Associate Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church Kate Moynihan, Deputy Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, Catholic Relief Services Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia; Chairman, Board of Directors, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy Bruce Wilkinson, Senior […]

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    Ambassador’s Address His Excellency Martin Palouš, Czech Ambassador to the United States

    4:00 p.m. University of Chicago Divinity School Chicago, Illinois Ambassador Palouš is a political philosopher and was among the first signatories of the Charter 77 document calling on the communist regime in power in Czechoslovakia to respect human rights. In November 1989 he became one of the founders of the Civic Forum, which replaced the […]