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Search results for: “Pew Internet American Life Project”

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    The Launch of The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life

    National Press Club Washington, D.C. Address by: Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) Participants Representative Chet Edwards (D-TX) Representative Mark Souder (R-IN) Azizah Al-Hibri, Professor of Law, University of Richmond David Brooks, Senior Editor, The Weekly Standard David Saperstein, Director, Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism Moderators Jean Bethke Elshtain, Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social & […]

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    Internet Election News Audience Seeks Convenience, Familiar Names

    Introduction and Summary Campaign 2000 firmly established the Internet as a major source of election news and information. But as the audience for online campaign news has expanded — increasing fourfold over the past four years — it has gone more mainstream in its preferences and pursuits. A majority now cites convenience, not a desire […]

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    Rising Price of Gas Draws Most Public Interest in 2000

    Rising Price of Gas Draws Most Public Interest in 2000 While the long and contentious election aftermath drew massive media coverage, the rising price of gasoline attracted the most public interest of any news story of 2000. In June, more than six-in-ten Americans (61%) said they paid very close attention to this story, which far […]

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    Study Shows That Internet Searches are Affecting Users’ Health-care Decisions

    Washington (Noon, November 26, 2000) ­ Half the people who have used the Internet to get health and medical information say this information has improved the way they take care of themselves and many report that online information has directly affected their decisions about how to treat illness and deal with their doctors, according to […]

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    The Holidays Online: E-socializing outpaces e-commerce

    WASHINGTON, D.C. ­ During the holiday season, the Internet was used by more Americans to celebrate and socialize than it was to make purchases. A new survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that more people used the Internet during the holidays to arrange get-togethers and send holiday e-greeting cards than to […]

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    78% of those who download music online don’t think they are stealing

    Washington, D.C. (Thursday, September 28) – The vast majority of those who use the Internet to download music files to their computers do not believe they are stealing. Most couldn”t care less whether the music they have grabbed is copyright protected, a new survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project has found. Fully […]

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    Olympics Online: Old Media Beat the New Media

    Note: The following was sent out as an informal email. Please contact the Project for further details. WASHINGTON–The Pew Internet & American Life Project is releasing a report today that looks at how American Internet users experienced the Olympics online. In a nutshell, the Internet was a very minor player in people”s experience of the […]