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Search results for: “24”

  • report

    Support for NATO Air Strikes with Plenty of Buts

    Introduction and Summary Americans expressed approval of air strikes against Serbia during the first five days of the Yugoslav operation, but there are clear indications that public support for involvement there is limited. Only a minority think the situation in Kosovo is a serious problem for the United States, and there is considerable worry about […]

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    Support for Clinton, But Not for Social Security Funds in Market

    Introduction and Summary The American people had a mixed reaction to events in Washington last week. They continue to support Bill Clinton and all but ignore his Senate impeachment trial, which 88% describe as providing little that is new or interesting. But by a 52%-34% margin they also reject Clinton’s surprise proposal to put some […]

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    Senate Trial: Little Viewership, Little Impact

    Introduction and Summary President Clinton’s impeachment trial has neither engaged the attention of the American public nor changed its mind about the continuance of his presidency. The public gives Clinton high marks for his job performance, expresses satisfaction with the state of the nation and registers even more contentment with their own lives than just […]

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    America’s Place in the World II

    Introduction and Summary The post-Cold War era may be less than a decade old, but Americans whose views help shape U.S. foreign policy have grown remarkably comfortable with it. Compared to four years ago when they were deeply troubled, American Opinion Leaders today see the world as a better place, where U.S. influence is enhanced […]

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    Strong Support for Minimum Wage Hike and Preserving Entitlements

    Report Summary While the Contract for America is getting all the play in Washington these days, there is still a lot of New Deal thinking in the rest of the country. No fewer than 79% of respondents in the latest Times Mirror Center survey say they approve of Bill Clinton’s proposal to increase the minimum […]

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    Cautious Support For Clinton Plan

    REPORT SUMMARY The American public is expressing wary support for the Clinton health care reform plan, as many Americans attempt to balance the strong appeal of guaranteeing universal access with questions, if not doubts about, how much protection the Clinton approach will actually provide, what it will cost and to what extent it will restrict […]