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Search results for: “M”

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    Where Americans Find Meaning in Life

    Family is the most common source of meaning in America, but economic, religious and political divides shape where people find meaning in other aspects of life.

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    The Religious Typology

    A new analysis looks at beliefs and behaviors that cut across many religious denominations – important traits that unite people of different faiths, or that divide those of the same religious affiliation.

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    U.S. Protestants Are Not Defined by Reformation-Era Controversies 500 Years Later

    Five hundred years after the start of the Protestant Reformation, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that U.S. Protestants are not united about – and in some cases, are not even aware of – some of the controversies that were central to the historical schism between Protestantism and Catholicism.

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    Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century

    Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as share of the global Christian population, from 20% in 1910 to 12% today. But the Ethiopian community is highly observant and growing.

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    Video: Are science and religion in conflict with each other?

    A majority of the public says science and religion often conflict, but fewer say science conflicts with their own beliefs. And highly religious Americans are less likely than others to see conflict between faith and science.

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    The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World

    Standard lists of history’s most influential religious leaders – among them Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) – tend to be predominantly, if not exclusively, male. Many religious groups, including Roman Catholics and Orthodox Jews, allow only men to be clergy, while others, including some denominations in the evangelical Protestant tradition, have lifted that restriction only in recent decades. Yet it often appears that the ranks of the faithful are dominated by women.

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    U.S. Catholics Open to Non-Traditional Families

    When Pope Francis arrives in the U.S., he will find a Catholic public that is remarkably accepting of a variety of non-traditional families, according to a new survey on family life, sexuality and Catholic identity.

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    A Portrait of American Orthodox Jews

    Compared with most other Jewish Americans, Orthodox Jews on average are younger, get married earlier and have bigger families. They also tend to be more religiously observant and more socially and politically conservative.