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Search results for: “4”

  • fact sheet

    Health Care Experiences

    This survey brief examines Latinos’ experiences with health care in the United States. Topics discussed include coverage, accessing health care services, and communicating with health care providers.

  • report

    Americans More Critical of Bush’s Efforts at Home, More Anxious Over Situation in Iraq

    Summary of Findings As presidential campaign activities start to pick up steam, President Bush is facing increasing public criticism of his efforts to deal with domestic issues and greater wariness of the military situation in Iraq. At the same time, his potential Democratic rivals show little early appeal and the Democratic party has lost significant […]

  • report

    Bush Targets Top Global Problem – AIDS

    With his decision to dramatically increase U.S. overseas spending on the AIDS epidemic, President Bush is addressing a crisis that dominates the concerns of people around the world. The spread of AIDS and other infectious diseases is not just a major crisis in Africa, where the toll from AIDS has been highest. Majorities in 31 […]

  • report

    Bush Targets Top Global Problem – AIDS

    With his decision to dramatically increase U.S. overseas spending on the AIDS epidemic, President Bush is addressing a crisis that dominates the concerns of people around the world. The spread of AIDS and other infectious diseases is not just a major crisis in Africa, where the toll from AIDS has been highest. Majorities in 31 […]

  • report

    2002 National Survey of Latinos

    This survey was designed to explore the attitudes and experiences of Latinos on a wide variety of topics.