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Search results for: “mexico”

  • report

    How Mexicans See America

    Mexican approval ratings of the U.S. are at their highest point since 2009. This boost in America’s image comes amidst rising expectations that Washington may soon reform U.S. immigration laws. The question now is whether the two countries can build on the promise fostered by the proposed immigration policy and cement some of the progress that appears to have been made.

  • report

    Mexicans Back Military Campaign Against Cartels

    As Felipe Calderón’s term as Mexico’s president draws to a close, Mexicans continue to strongly back his policy of deploying the military to combat the country’s powerful drug cartels, despite public unease about the moral cost of the drug war. Meanwhile, a majority of Mexicans say they have a positive opinion of the U.S.

  • database

    Table: Religious Composition by Country, in Numbers

    .footnotes p{ color: #58585B;font-size: 1.2em !important; } .sortable th a{ color:#000000; } .sortable th .desc, .sortable th .asc{ color:#456A83; } td{ padding: 8px 5px !important; } View as: Numbers | Percentages Country Est. 2010 Christian Population Est. 2010 Muslim Population Est. 2010 Unaffiliated Population Est. 2010 Hindu Population Est. 2010 Buddhist Population Est. 2010 Folk […]

  • feature

    Catholics in Mexico and Cuba

    Pope Benedict XVI will travel to Latin America March 23-28 for a much-anticipated visit to Mexico and Cuba. An infographic based on data from a 2011 demographic study by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life explores information on Catholics in Latin America, with a particular focus on the Catholic population in Mexico and Cuba.

  • report

    Crime and Drug Cartels Top Concerns in Mexico

    Fewer than half of Mexicans say their government is making progress in its campaign against drug cartels. Still, an overwhelming majority continues to endorse the use of the Mexican army to fight drug traffickers, virtually unchanged in recent years.