Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S.
Today, 68% say the U.S. is less respected by other countries than it was in the past.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Survey conducted October 25-30, 2017.
Today, 68% say the U.S. is less respected by other countries than it was in the past.
Currently, 50% of Americans say there are plenty of jobs available in their communities – the highest number saying that jobs are plentiful in Pew Research Center surveys dating to 2001.
As Donald Trump sets off on his visit to Asia, the public has become increasingly concerned over North Korea’s capability and its willingness to use nuclear weapons against the United States.
Survey Report Growing numbers of Americans express little or no confidence in Donald Trump to handle an international crisis, manage the executive branch effectively and work effectively with Congress. And today, just 34% approve of Trump’s overall job performance, while 59% disapprove. However, Trump’s job approval rating is higher than those of Republican and Democratic […]
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