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Search results for: “prejudice”

  • fact sheet

    Same-Sex Marriage in the Courts

    The U.S. Supreme Court stepped squarely into the same-sex marriage debate when it agreed on Dec. 7, 2012, to review two important lower court decisions involving gay marriage. Find out what that may mean for the future of same-sex marriage in the U.S.

  • transcript

    Same-Sex Marriage in California: Legal and Political Prospects

    Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles Special Report: The Same-Sex Marriage Debate An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate The Constitutional Dimensions of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate A Stable Majority: Most Americans Still Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Additional Resources Map: State Policies on Same-Sex Marriage ( Religious Groups’ Official Positions on Same-Sex Marriage Same-Sex Marriage Candidate Comparison Same-Sex […]

  • transcript

    Courts Rule Against Gay Marriage in Two States

    Washington, D.C. The gay marriage movement today suffered back-to-back defeats in two top state courts. The more important decision occurred in New York, where the state’s highest judicial body, the Court of Appeals, ruled that the state constitution does not guarantee the right of gay people to marry. Meanwhile, Georgia’s Supreme Court overturned a lower […]