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Search results for: “islam”

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    Measuring Religion in China

    Only one-in-ten Chinese adults formally identify with a religion, but surveys indicate that religion plays a much bigger role in China when the definition is widened to include questions on spirituality, customs and traditional beliefs.

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    Religion and Living Arrangements Around the World

    Household size and composition often vary by religious affiliation, data from 130 countries and territories reveals. Muslims and Hindus have larger households than Christians and religious “nones,” influenced in part by regional norms.

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    Christ sein in Westeuropa

    Westeuropa, die Geburtsstätte des Protestantismus und der Hauptsitz des Katholizismus während des größten Teils seiner Geschichte, ist heute eine der säkularsten Regionen der Welt. Auch wenn die weitaus überwiegende Mehrheit der Erwachsenen angibt, getauft zu sein, beschreiben sich heute viele nicht als Christen. Wie eine neue, umfassende Studie des Pew Research Center über Glauben und […]

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    Being Christian in Western Europe

    The majority of Europe’s Christians are non-practicing, but they differ from religiously unaffiliated people in their views on God, attitudes toward Muslims and immigrants, and opinions about religion’s role in society.

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    Essere cristiani in Europa occidentale

    L’Europa occidentale, culla del protestantesimo e storicamente sede del cattolicesimo, è diventata una delle regioni più secolari al mondo. Anche se la grande maggioranza degli adulti afferma di avere ricevuto il battesimo, oggi molti di essi non si descrivono come cristiani. Alcuni affermano di aver abbandonato gradualmente la religione, di avere smesso di credere negli […]