Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


  • report

    Bloggers Track the Nuances of the Health Care Debate

    During a Christmas week when the Senate passed its version of health care reform, social media devoted more attention to the subject than it had at any time this year. Bloggers also focused on an international grassroots campaign. On Twitter, a Blackberry outage led the way, while on YouTube, questions about the attack on the Italian Prime Minister drew significant attention.

  • report

    Top Stories of 2009: Economy, Obama and Health Care

    Summary of Findings The troubled economy and efforts to revamp the nation’s health care system dominated the public’s news interest in 2009. From the year’s start, Americans kept a close watch on the unfolding economic crisis, as well as Barack Obama’s efforts to grapple with the crisis while trying to make good on campaign promises. […]

  • short reads

    Non-Dogmatic Americans

    About one-third of Americans say they regularly or occasionally attend religious services at more than one place; most sometimes attend services of a faith different from their own.

  • short reads

    Reading the Stars

    One-in-four American adults believe in astrology, including 23% of Christians.