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Search results for: “Black Lives Matter”

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    What’s God Got to Do with the American Experiment?

    Los Angeles, California Panel E.J. Dionne, The Brookings Institution Melissa Rogers, Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist Jim Wallis, Sojourner’s Magazine Steve Waldman, Beliefnet E.J. DIONNE, JR. Thank you all for coming. For me, this is a great reunion. An old and very dear friend of mine who teaches at USC, […]

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    Bradley Boxes Out Political Center

    Introduction and Summary Bill Bradley is the man in the middle when it comes to voter perceptions. Americans describe the former New Jersey senator as a political moderate far more frequently than they do any other presidential candidate. On average, voters who know Bradley rate his ideology as virtually identical to their own. But, despite […]

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    The Diminishing Divide…American Churches, American Politics

    Introduction and Summary Religion is a strong and growing force in the way Americans think about politics. It has a bearing on political affiliation, political values, policy attitudes and candidate choice. Its increasing influence on political opinion and behavior rivals factors such as race, region, age, social class and gender. More specifically, religion has a […]

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