This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Find related reports online at
Brooke Auxier, Research Associate Monica Anderson, Associate Director of Research Andrew Perrin, Research Analyst Erica Turner, Former Research Intern
Lee Rainie, Director of Research Emily Vogels, Research Associate
Margaret Porteus, Information Graphics Designer David Kent, Senior Copy Editor
Haley Nolan, Communications Associate Kelsey Beveridge, Communications Associate Reem Nadeem, Associate Digital Producer
In addition, the project benefited greatly from the guidance of Pew Research Center’s methodology team: Courtney Kennedy, Andrew Mercer, Nick Bertoni, Joshua Ferno, Nick Hatley and Arnold Lau, as well as from feedback by the following Pew Research Center staff: Ruth Igielnik, Juliana Horowitz, and Besheer Mohamed. The Center received invaluable advice in developing the questionnaire from Amanda Lenhart, Program Director, Health & Data, Data & Society, Craig Watkins, Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Priya Kumar, Doctoral Candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park and Kole Binger, Associate Research Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.