Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


Pew Research Center makes the case-level microdata for much of its research available to the public for secondary analysis after a period of time. These datasets are listed below by collection date. A listing of our American Trends Panel datasets and religion datasets are also available. See this post for more information on how to use our datasets and contact us at with any questions.

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  • dataset

    2022-23 Survey of Asian Americans

    This Pew Research Center survey asked a nationally representative sample of Asian American adults about their experiences living in, and views of, the United States. Data Access & Use Pew Research Center is releasing two versions of the dataset – a public-use file (PUF) and restricted-use file (RUF) – based on a risk assessment that […]

  • dataset

    2018 National Survey of Latinos

    2018 National Survey of Latinos
    Field dates: 07/26/18 – 09/09/18
    Respondents: Nationally representative sample of 1,501 Latinos ages 18 and older.
    Margin of Error: +/- 3.1 percentage points at the 95% confidence interval.

    This survey focused on the 2018 elections, economics, politics, immigrant integration, discrimination and immigration policy.

  • report

    2017 Hispanic Post-Election Survey

    Field dates: 12/07/16 – 01/15/17
    Respondents: Nationally representative sample of 1,001 Latinos ages 18 and older.
    Margin of Error: +/- 3.6 percentage points at the 95% confidence interval.

    This survey focused on politics and immigration.

  • dataset

    2016 National Survey of Latinos

    Field dates: 08/23/16 – 09/21/16
    Respondents: Nationally representative sample of 1,507 Latinos ages 18 and older.
    Margin of Error: +/- 3.3 percentage points at the 95% confidence interval.
    This survey focused on politics, 2016 elections, current issues, media and the American dream.