White Protestants and Catholics support Trump, but voters in other U.S. religious groups prefer Harris
Among White evangelicals, support for Trump is higher among those who attend church regularly than among those who don’t.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Among White evangelicals, support for Trump is higher among those who attend church regularly than among those who don’t.
The share of Americans who support the U.S. government banning TikTok now stands at 32%, down from 38% in fall 2023 and 50% in March 2023.
Korean American adults are much less likely than adults in South Korea to be religiously unaffiliated or to be Buddhist.
Roughly six-in-ten Republicans (58%) describe themselves as traditional, but just 19% of Democrats say the same.
Roughly three-quarters of adults (77%) say they often or sometimes get local news and information about crime.
Adults in Indonesia, Bangladesh and the Philippines are the most likely to say it is important to have a leader who stands up for people with their religious beliefs.
Of the 51 president-vice president pairs, a majority (59%) have been closer than 10 years in age.
Most Israeli adults do not post or share about political and social issues online – including the war between Israel and Hamas.
Many of Kennedy’s July supporters decided to back Kamala Harris over Donald Trump by 2 to 1 after Biden withdrew from the race.
Across the three South Asian countries surveyed, views of other countries in the region often vary by religion.
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