report | Apr 12, 2018

Fewer People in Latin America See the U.S. Favorably Under Trump

The eighth Summit of the Americas begins this Friday in Lima, Peru. President Donald Trump was originally scheduled to attend the summit, but he has now decided to stay in Washington to address the ongoing crisis in Syria. Vice President Mike Pence will represent the United States in Trump’s place. Pence’s visit comes amid a […]

short reads | Jan 2, 2018

‘Particularly good days’ are common in Africa, Latin America and the U.S.

If you live in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America or the United States, you are more likely than people in other regions of the world to say you’re having a particularly good day. For the past several years, Pew Research Center’s annual Global Attitudes Survey has started with the following question: “How would you describe your […]

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